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Import cURL Requests

The Import cURL feature allows you to quickly create API requests by pasting a cURL command. This eliminates the need to manually enter request parameters, headers, and authentication details.

How to Import a cURL Request

  • Open the Create Request view in Note API Connector.
  • Copy a cURL command from an API documentation or terminal.
  • Paste the cURL command into the URL input field.
  • The system will automatically import all request settings, including:

📌 Example: Importing a cURL Request

If you have the following cURL request from Rapid API documentation:

curl --request GET
--url ''
--header 'x-rapidapi-host:'
--header 'x-rapidapi-key: your_api_key'

Simply paste it into the URL input field, and Note API Connector will automatically extract all details.

Importing cURL

What is cURL?

cURL is a widely used command-line tool for making API requests. Many API documentations provide cURL commands to help developers test endpoints.


With Note API Connector, you don’t need a terminal—just copy and paste cURL commands to set up API requests instantly.