📄️ Connect to Notion
Before you start using Note API Connector, you'll need to link it to your Notion workspace.
📄️ Create a Request
Note API Connector allows you to connect to any REST API in Notion—without writing code. You can define the request URL, method, headers, body, and authorization settings. The interface is similar to tools like Postman or Insomnia.
📄️ Data Destination
Note API Connector allows you to import data into Notion table databases or Notion simple tables.
📄️ Response Field Mapping
Response field mapping lets you choose which fields to import from an API response and map them to the Notion fields in your output table.
📄️ Schedule a Request
You can schedule API requests to run automatically, even when:
📄️ Troubleshooting Errors
This guide helps you resolve common errors when using Note API Connector.